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Tel: 020 8549 6666
Frozen shoulder shockwave therapy.

Frozen Shoulder Shockwave Therapy

People suffering from Frozen Shoulder have overcome their issues with our revolutionary treatment of focused Shockwave and Magneto transduction therapy allowing them to become pain-free and if they are athletes, return to their sport once more without difficulty.

Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a disorder in which the shoulder capsule, the connective tissue surrounding the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder, becomes inflamed and causes persistent stiffness of the shoulder joint, which makes it very difficult to carry out the full range of normal shoulder movements and everyday tasks such as dressing and driving.

Pain is usually constant and worse at night, making it impossible to sleep comfortably, and in the winter when the weather is colder. Some people find they are unable to move their shoulder at all, which is why the condition is known as a frozen shoulder.

The exact cause for frozen shoulder is unknown and it can last from five months to three years or more. It is thought in some cases to be caused by injury or trauma to the area; it is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 60 and is more common in women than men.

There are three stages in the development and recovery of frozen shoulder:

  1. Initially, your shoulder will start to ache and will feel stiff before becoming very painful. The pain is often worse at night and when you lie on the affected side. This stage can last from two to nine months.
  2. Stage two – the adhesive stage – is where the shoulder becomes increasingly stiff while the pain stays about the same. Shoulder muscles may waste slightly due to less use. This stage lasts four to twelve months.
  3. The recovery stage, during which gradual movement in the shoulder is regained and the stiffness eases. The pain will also begin to fade. This stage can last for as little as five months or as long as three to four years.
Shockwave Therapy for frozen shoulder.

Shockwave Therapy & Frozen Shoulder

Shockwave therapy for frozen shoulder aims to aid and speed the recovery process. Ideally, you should have a consultation as soon as you believe you are in Stage One of frozen shoulder, although we do undertake shockwave therapy on patients in Stage Two. Generally, two or three appointments will lead to an improvement in the condition and a speedy recovery.

Shockwave Therapy & Frozen Shoulder Research

In a paper titled Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Frozen Shoulder published in 2014 the researchers concluded that, “The use of ESWT seems to have positive effects on treatment, quicker return to daily activities, and quality-of-life improvement on frozen shoulder.”

Shockwave Therapy for Diabetics with Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is more common in patients with diabetes mellitus, rotator cuff lesions, thyroid disorders.

The latest focussed shockwave therapy offers a safer treatment option for people with diabetes who suffer from adhesive capsulitis. You can read more about it here.

EMTT Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

We are now using EMTT Therapy using our specialist Electromagnetic Transduction  equipment in conjunction with Shockwave therapy as we have found the combination of the two treatments especially effective for dealing with Frozen Shoulder. We are one of the few clinics in the country offering this as a solution to this painful condition and we recommend you book an appointment soon.

EMTT Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

To book treatment for Frozen Shoulder please request a specialist clinician to call you back to arrange an initial assessment Tel: 020 8549 6666 or complete the Contact Form below

Our reception lines are open from 8:30am to 8:00pm weekdays and between 10:00am and 4:00pm at weekends (excluding Christmas, New Year and Bank Holidays).